“Jesus said; “I am the bread of life. He who comes to me will never starve, and those who believe in me will never thirst. (John 6:35) “
Based on GOD’s word, Bread of Life Church is launched in 2019 to share Jesus Christ, Bread of Life.
Our church is affiliated with Yodabashi Church, with a 115 year history.
Our church is also affiliated with Redeemer City to City, a global church planting network that began in New York.
Also, American missionaries from Southern Baptist (International Mission Board) are helping our church ministry.
We also work with Onward Campus Ministry, a college student mission organization in Alabama, US, to share the gospel with young people.
The church is an international gathering of Japanese, Korean and English speaking people. We welcome you all !
【Church Staff】
Senior Pastor:Byong-soo Kim
Associate Pastor:Takashi Ogura
Evangelist:Simduck Lee/Yoshiko Ogura
Missionary:Scott & Julie Bradford/Pierce & Yae Hite/Anthony Chan
We are always accepting consultations and questions regarding the church and faith. Please feel free to contact us.
Tel:03-6233-9712 / 090-6130-6648 (cell)
Email : pentecost0809@gmail.com (Ogura)
【Affiliated church & mission organization】